Portfolio - Pedro do Couto Lopes Artwork

Portfolio - Pedro do Couto Lopes Artwork
Click on image for full portfolio

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

How lateral thinking is promoted in Art & Design classes?

How lateral thinking[1] is promoted in Art & Design classes?

“An attempt should be made to develop lateral thinking attitudes as a habit of mind at least from the age of seven onwards”

(E. De Bono, pp16)

This is a statement that Edward de Bono makes in the initial pages of his book ‘lateral Thinking, A textbook for Creativity’, stresses the importance of encouraging lateral thinking as a form of cognitive development. This bold statement will act as my starting point to the development of my research into my question: How lateral thinking is promoted in Art & Design classes?

[1] ‘lateral Thinking, A textbook for Creativity’, Edward de Bono, 1990

Video: Assange, Žižek and Goodman in conversation

On Saturday 2 July at 4pm GMT, Frontline Club hosted a conference featuring WikiLeaks editor-and-chief Julian Assange, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek and Democracy Now! Amy Goodman. Full unedited video of the event, which focused on WikiLeaks-related issues, can be found below.

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Monday, 9 January 2012

Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty

What, exactly, is beauty? This question has been occupying the minds of philosophers, anthropologists, neuroscientists, art critics and ordinary people alike for centuries of human history. And while many may subscribe to the “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” theory, this, it turns out, may not be the case.

Cooking as Alchemy

Homaro Cantu and Ben Roche come from Moto, a Chicago restaurant that plays with new ways to cook and eat food. But beyond the fun and flavor-tripping, there's a serious intent: Can we use new food technology for good?

http://www.ted.com/ : Ideas worth spreading...

The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

"Ken Robinson presents the theme of creativity and innovation in a way that makes you want to go out and make your dreams a reality. In his wonderfully easy-to-read and entertaining style he presents the stories of many who have done just that. This is a valuable book for educators and community leaders ... most important, it is a book that lightens and lifts the minds and hearts of all who read it.
[Susan Jeffers, PhD., bestselling author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® and Life Is Huge!

Steven Johnson - Where Good Ideas Come From

Johnson’s answer strongly echoes the Brain Pickings mission — to build a rich and wide-spanning pool of mental resources that serve as the building blocks of creativity.

Changing Education Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson


Artistic Curriculum Vitae

Academic Education:


(Post Graduate Certificate in Education) Teacher Training.

Specialism in Art & Design.

09/2010 to 06/2011. Middlesex University, London, UK

MA Fine Art, Modules included: Sculpture, Painting, Installation Art, Performance Art and Photography.

2008 to 2009. Norwich University College of the Arts, Norwich, UK

BA Hons Degree Fine Art, Modules included: Sculpture, Painting, Installation Art, Art History and Photography.

2005 to 2008. Escola Superior de Arte e Design (Art College-Portugal)

‘A’ Level 2002 to 2005. Graphic Design (B), Graphic Arts (A), Art History (A) and Art (A). Portuguese Public School

Selected Exhibitions:


'Camelias da Cidade', Fabrica Social Jose Rodrigues, Porto, Portugal


'O que se esconde por trás do Pôr do Sol', Traga Mundos, Vila Real, Portugal (Solo)


Open Studios Exhibition, Norwich, England

Taster Exhibition, Norwich, England


Artistic performance, Norwich Art Centre, Norwich, England (Solo)

In Transit; Stew Gallery, Norwich, England

Invasion, Occupation, Transformation; Norwich Art Gallery, Norwich, England


Esteta Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal

International Biennial of Fine Arts ‘On Europe’, Montijo, Portugal


XIV International Biennial of Art de Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal

V Vila Verde Biennial, Portugal


Theatre Gallery, Vila Real, Portugal (Solo)

Collective exhibition of Artists “Pelo Douro”, VilaFlor, Lamego, Murça, Alfândega da Fé, Portugal


Centre d’art Março Vell, Centelles, Catalunha, Spain. (Solo)

Cooperativa Árvore- Vilar Gallery – Porto Portugal (Solo)

City Hall, Penalva do Castelo, Portugal (Solo)

City Hall, Vieira do Minho, Portugal (Solo)


Pedro lopes, Itinerant exhibition Guimarães, Santa Marta Penaguião, Alijó, Macedo Cavaleiros, Mirandela, Barcelos, Vila Verde, Portugal (Solo)

VI Salón de Otoño, A Coruña, Spain VI Painting Biennial Eixo Atlântico do Noroeste Peninsular”, Vigo/Porto, Spain/Portugal


Pedro Lopes, Forte de S. Francisco Hotel – Chaves, Portugal (Solo)

“Concours des Créa d’Or 2003”. 3º Salon Arts & Créations, Genève Switzerland.

Exhibition, 33º “Grand Prix Int. Académie Européenne des Arts”, Belgium

4º Prémio Pintura Jaurena ART, Spain


Painting Biennale “Arte Jovem de Penafiel”, Penafiel, Portugal

7º Prémio Fidelidade Jovens Pintores, Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal.



Revelation Prize, 4ª international Biennale of Art, Vila Verde, Portugal


1º Centelles Prize LXII Concurs de Pintura "Premi Centelles", Centelles,Catalunha, Spain

1º Prize IV Salão de Jovens Talentos de Matosinhos – Painting, Matosinhos, Portugal

Talented Young Artists “VI Painting Biennial Eixo Atlântico do Noroeste Peninsular”, Vigo/Porto, Portugal/Spain.


National Bronze Medal. “33º “Grand Prix Int. Académie Européenne des Arts”, Belgium

Honours, 4º Prémio Pintura Jaurena ART, Spain


“Youth foundation” Prize. 7º Prémio Fidelidade Young Painters, Lisbon, Portugal.


2017 'Da espera ao instante...o Infinito'

J. Bernardino Lopes & Pedro do Couto Lopes

2014 'O Bico Azul, A viagem por onde os nossos olhos não podem ver...',Text: J. Bernardino Lopes, Ilustrations: Pedro Lopes

2009 'The Ultimate Secret, 101 Ideas to storm the Art World', Pedro Lopes